Wallpaper wanted


I had to remove my computer with OpenSUSE but I forgott to save my wallpaper and now I can’t find it.

I think it’s a close up photo of a fern with curls. It’s very green.

I found it in some kind of OpenSUSE art pack downloaded with Yast.

Kind Regards

you may find it here
Eyecandy for your KDE-Desktop - KDE-Look.org

and Eyecandy for openSUSE - SUSE-Art.org

No, it’s not there. I browsed over 60 pages and searched for curl, wirl, fern and leaf both on kde look and google.

I think it’s from an older “art pack” like OpenSUSE 10.0?

This is the one but for Symbian.
[Symbian-Theme] KDE 4 Curls_on_Green | .:: Udeste’ s Blog ::.](http://udeste.netsons.org/2008/10/10/symbian-theme-kde-4-curls_on_green/)

The wallpaper you’re referring to is part of the extra wallpaper packege for kde4. Just use yast to search for the package.

Found it. Thanks.:slight_smile: