I cannot find a control centre or GUI for my wacom intuos 5 pen/tablet in plasma 5.8 under input devices or anywhere else
I’d try a search for “wacom” in openSUSE download Package Search, for example:
There are some packages not in the official install - if there’s such thing in Tumbleweed, of course (I’m still on 13.2).
thanks for the advice… I did that but encountered a lot of trial and error, trying different repos etc. but, finally, **I got one that really works well **and changed everything (wacom and tablet related) to the versions in mrbadguy’s repos on the build service. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/mrbadguy:/wacom/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/
I hope this might help anyone else encountering this problem, because it took a lot of time to sort out. Make sure to set the priorities right, otherwise these packages can get replaced again during updates.
Don’t mess with the priorities, use
zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change
I thought that in zypp.conf it didn’t allow vendor change anyhow. openSUSE seems to be set as the prime vendor in that file too…
dup does not use vendors up does
so generally, is it better to used zypper up or zypper dup on tumbleweed? some time back the previous maintainer, Greg, used to recommend the ‘dup’ to keep the integrity. I’ve never had a problem using either. I also have never gotten into trouble from changing the priorities on some repos. I’ve been using Tumbleweed for some years already. Even Nvidia drivers don’t bother me, I could always find patches if they didn’t work after a kernel upgrade.
One of the main reasons I use openSUSE is due to the reliability of Yast and zypper… I always found other distros a nightmare with dependencies and things breaking. My overall experience with openSUSE is really good, except for the size of the community being small and people being too busy always
My wacom devices were always getting left behind after upgrades though, except on GNOME. That one is good with that, but for other reasons I prefer KDE
Welllll ther is some disagreement there with TW. TW is a different animal. but it all depend on what extra repos you add
At the time Greg KH was the maintainer, zypper didn’t know the “–no-allow-vendor-change”. The advice came from @dimstar ( Dominique Leuenberger ), the current chef that serves TW.
Not unexpected with user repos, although most work OK. Last time I experimented with a Wacom tablet I have here the biggest hurdle was to find a package with the correct tablet info in it’s database. If it’s not there the package wouldn’t find the tablet. YMMV.
Anyway, glad you got it and thanks for the feedback.