August 1, 2008, 1:36pm
recently when I start vuze (azureus) from terminal ,it prints
using MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/xulrunner- and MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/browser-plugins
GRE/XULRunner automatically found
java virtual machine used: /usr/lib/jvm/java/bin/java
classpath used: /usr/share/java/Azureus/Azureus3.jar:/usr/share/java/Azureus/swt.jar
main class used: org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main
flags used:
options used: -Xms16m -Xmx128m -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib64/Azureus:/usr/lib/Azureus -Dazureus.install.path=/var/lib/Azureus -Dazureus.script.version=2 -Dazureus.script=/usr/bin/vuze
arguments used:
file:/usr/share/java/Azureus/Azureus3.jar ; file:/usr/share/java/Azureus/swt-3.5-I20080702-0939.jar ; file:/home/reza/
and that’s it ,no vuze , no nothing.
i get some similar error in jKiwi ( a hair styler program from packman)
reza@dhcppc0:~> jKiwi.sh
java virtual machine used: /usr/lib/jvm/java/bin/java
classpath used: /usr/share/java/swt/swt-gtk-
main class used: core.Loader
flags used:
options used: -Xmx256m -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib64/swt:/usr/lib/swt -Dprogram.sourcepath=/usr/share/jKiwi
arguments used:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.Locale.<init>(libgcj.so.9)
at java.util.Locale.<init>(libgcj.so.9)
at core.Loader.main(Loader.java:192)
but opening other jar files ( like ipscan-linux-3.0-beta3.jar : a port scanner program) works perfectly.
whats the source of problem ?
vuze worked till now and i didn’t update it or java.
For azureus, are you using a symlink to execute the vuze executable? I recently installed vuze on my 10.3 system and I noticed that it would not load if I tried to use a symlink that I placed in /usr/bin. I could run it when I ran the start script correctly.
When I looked at the script a bit more deeply, I noticed that they check the path azureus was executed to find the rest of its library files.
August 1, 2008, 8:24pm
For azureus, are you using a symlink to execute the vuze executable? I recently installed vuze on my 10.3 system and I noticed that it would not load if I tried to use a symlink that I placed in /usr/bin. I could run it when I ran the start script correctly.
When I looked at the script a bit more deeply, I noticed that they check the path azureus was executed to find the rest of its library files.
i dont understand want you mean by syslink to vuze executable ? in termianl I type vuze and press enter?is it what you mean?
how can I run “start script correctly” ?
August 2, 2008, 4:57am
if you mean executing Vuze.sh it doesn’t help either.
go to vuze
download the Azureus3.jar from there
copy the different Azureus3.jar to /usr/share/java/Azureus
August 2, 2008, 7:14am
i will do that and report back
Sometimes vuze doesn’t shutdown properly and then will not start a second time till you kill the first one.
August 2, 2008, 1:41pm
I know what you mean and no its not that, even after restarting the problem’s not solved.
August 2, 2008, 1:55pm
it didn’t work . same results.
are you using the one packaged by Packaman?
August 2, 2008, 4:12pm
i didn’t know there was another version
August 3, 2008, 3:31pm
It runs OK for me, however since the last update it changed to the horrendous alpha of the new version, which previously was an option to enable, then you could switch back. Now that’s all there is. I guess I’ll have to downgrade. It’s such an early version, that is has things like “blah blaaah” on the interface in several plces.
August 3, 2008, 4:15pm
thanks fro all the replies .
I am going to use deluge fro my torrent needs from now on. its simple like utorrent and its opensource :).
though one other program is jKiwi that its in java form and doesn’t strat and I wish there was a for that to start
August 23, 2008, 2:36pm
Had the same problem, vuze donts start and error message, after fresh install.
Apparently you have to install java runtime
August 30, 2008, 5:19am
Had the same problem, vuze donts start and error message, after fresh install.
Apparently you have to install java runtime
i do have jre installed
i solved vuze problem by unistalling all java runtimes and then installing last version from update channel