The existing set though? - It has one extra or different? ‘Shaman Penguin’?
I was never one of those. I think I went from ‘Wise’ to ‘Omniscient’
You added one to the old list didn’t you - to make it eight.
Interesting that conservatism is creeping in to make the current tags a fave.
Not sure it’s conservatism. The old set is quite effective.
It will be interesting to see the result.
caf4926 wrote, On 12/28/2008 03:26 PM:
> Not sure it’s conservatism. The old set is quite effective.
> It will be interesting to see the result.
18,466 Opensuse forum members, and 9 votes so far, 6 for keeping the current tags. In other words, 99.95 of our users are apathetic, the rest is conservative or statistically irrelevant.
I guess we should learn from Blizzard Entertainment and extend the levels beyond “Omniscient Penguin” as an expansion pack. Soon available in an online store close to you:
“Opensuse Forums - the Wrath of the German Moderator”
(requires a valid Opensuse Forums account sold seperately)
45 US-$
And yes, this was a joke. I don’t want to be killed by an FSF SWAT team or some such
I don’t think that the naming system makes a difference. Why we use the forum is the linux ethic of getting info and trying to help others.
As long as it’s consistent and everyone knows what it means, keep it the way it is - a name isn’t everything but how much you know or want to share with others is.
I have to say that conram’s set made me laugh the most so that gets my vote. Some of caf4926’s are not bad either.
C’mon whych, let’s have some fun, a New Year party is coming up. The labels aren’t going to change our personalities. We’ll still be the great, knowledgeable, helpful, calm, generous, humorous, cool, handsome, sexy, and er, humble, people that we are after the label change.
Not so many voting here considering the number of users we have.
@ken yap
We’ll still be the great, knowledgeable, helpful, calm, generous, humorous, cool, handsome, sexy, and er, humble, people
Talking about yourself again!rotfl! hehe.
Modesty restrains me from extolling my virtues - But with old age all the above mentioned tend to fade away. I’m usually referred to as : Grumpy, Boring, Disgusting (expels wind)…lol!
Just to spice up the forum a bit. No big deal. I must admit I am a bit of a fan of swerdna so my pick was somewhat biased, but hey, who couldn’t like a “Cool Dude Suser”?
I think everyone who voted to keep the same old set should be required to post a coherent reason for their choice in order for their vote to be counted!