Volume Control

I have Gigabyte MB with built in sound card it has 6 outputs on the back and 2 on the front. On one jack I have some old cracky speakers on another I have headphones. How can I control volume for individual jack on KMixer?

Well try pavucontrol or veromix. With either it will give you finer control over the sound source and sinks. veromix is a bit nicer since it lives in the system tray

Tried both, same issue :frowning:

What issue ? I would like to help but you need to be more descriptive.

Note these two guides wrt pavucontrol:

On 04/20/2015 11:46 PM, grc wrote:
> Tried both, same issue :frowning:

You may also need to bring up Pulse Audio Volume Control to make sure you’re
seeing the right sources. I 2nd the recommendation of Veromix over Kmix.

There was a lot of issues with my system so I reinstalled everything. I would like to be able to make changes like you could do on this


where you can select which plug is headphones and which is speakers and also control them form volume control and disable the rest.

Right now I have Line Out (which controls both speakers and headphones) and Headphones control (which controls only headphones). At least I can now control headphones which I was not able to do previously.

I think what messed my system was an update I see a lot of ppl having same issue I had initially before I reinstalled sound drivers and all other devices.

Is that a MS-Windows realtek app running associated with your hardware ? I’ve never seen such for GNU/Linux. Note Realtek support for GNU/Linux is pathetic compared to its support for MS-Windows. One can bet money that Realtek provides nothing comparable to that for GNU/Linux. My experience has been that often Realtek GNU/Linux apps/drivers for GNU/Linux make GNU/Linux sound even worse.

I think the suggestions already on this thread to use pulse audio volume control (pavucontrol) should be investigated by you. If you are using kde you will need to install pavucontrol, which can be done easily with zypper or yast software management.

@oldcpu, you are completely right this is windows app and that is what I would have if I use windows. And you are right Realtek driver sucks big time. By the way I use pulseaudio and I do not know how to set it up to contol each individual output.

Note these two guides wrt pavucontrol:

Read both of them before I asked this question :wink: I cannot get what I want. Thank you all for your involvement.