Volume control for gnome system sounds

Is there any way to control the volume for the gnome system sounds? They default to 50% and are too quiet to be audible.

I see a system sounds entry in the volume control panel, but whenever I increase it, and a system sound plays, it resets itself to 50%.

hi eu sou new here

Here are before and after pics:

http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/4420/beforems0.th.png](ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs)

After clicking Save to save the before screenshot:
ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs](ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs)

I am having the same problem on Fedora 10.

It seems to happen randomly. like if I open PulseAudio Volume Control and change it to 100% system sounds play at 100% but it seems the Gnome Sound properties maybe resets it.

At first I thought that the PAVUControl wasn’t saving the settings but it is because when I go back into it later it’s still right.

btw, the xmms sound output is at 100% for front-left and 95% for front-right, and whatever resets the system sounds to 50% ALSO resets the xmms sound output to 100% / 95% …

it is very annoying, especially since i can’t find anything about it in google. This was the only thing. Anyone have an answer? I’d like to use my system sounds (worthless at 50%).

Thanks for anyone who can help.