Volume buttons not working - Dell Latitude D820

Like the title of this post says, my volume control buttons are not working on my Dell D820 laptop. My sound works fine, but I have to manually go into kmix and adjust the sliders. What are the steps I need to take to ensure that the keyboard mappings are correct (or even in place, for that matter).

I remember running a program that would capture and report any keystrokes or mouse clicks and tell you what the keycode of each button was. I did that and noted the codes for AudioUp/Down/Mute, etc… But I can’t remember where the file is that houses where the keyboard code maps are actually stored.

Anyone else been able to solve this apparently-widespread problem?

CHEERS :smiley:

OH, btw…I am running openSUSE 11.0 with KDE4.1. Any other info, just ask :slight_smile:

For you would have to gnome set the shortcuts from keyboard shortcuts in the Control Panel, I think there is a KDE equivalent or you could try xbindkeys.

I had the Dell computer buttons working for volume etc. on openSUSE 10.3, but since upgrading to 11.0 I now get a message “It seems that Kmix is not running” every time I press a volume button. I had configured the pause, back, forward and stop buttons to work with Amarok and these still work.

Well I went into Personal Settings > Computer Administration > Keyboard & Mouse… Then under the Keyboard Shortcuts tab, I found the proper volume fields, but when I went to customize each shortcut by pressing a volume key on my laptop, it would automatically de-select the Custom field and switch it back to Default: None. The shortcuts work fine if I set it to like Alt+Left or whatever, but the actual buttons that were created to control the sound do not work. So for now I have a temporary workaround by having my volume controls set to Alt+Left, Alt+Right, and Alt+Down, but I would really like to figure out how to use the proper keys, as other applications use those Alt shortcuts for other things.

Any thoughts? Cheers.

(I’m still using KDE4.1 and openSUSE11.0)