Vncmanager-controller: Equivalent command line interface?

managed to setup vncsessions with the yast setup allowing for persistent sessions. But the procedure to finally get there requires to call vncmanager-controller in the new vncsession to do some clicks in a GUI to make the new session permanent, i.e., survive closing the vncviewer and be ready for reconnecting later.

My question: Is there a way to have all these settings done in a command line, say in ~/.xinitrc, because that use case (have the vncsession permanent) is the generic one?

Thanks in advance.


Just had a look and Yast and learned there is a"Remote Administration (VNC) module, I assume that is what you mean. Also tried “vncmanager-controller” on the console but that is not installed on my system.

What I think you want it to start a VNC server from the command line, that can be just by just running vncserver

See “man vncserver”, for settings there is $HOME/.vnc/xstartup but please specify what kind of settings you want to do, not everything can be done using xstartup.

The vncserver script starts Xvnc in the background. What that means is that it is the background process (your shell) is stopped the vncserver will be also stopped. If that is your problem I suggest to do something like this:

Sorry for the late reply, but I got absorbed in work.

Yes, in Yast this is what is under
I am using Leap-15.6 . The default tigervnc-Package from the standard repositories does not provide vncserver or vncsession as provided by the tigervnc-Team in the somewhat distant past.

Yes, I checked and indeed there seems to be no vnc for Leap 15.6

Maybe issuing a request (not sure how) could help.

bor@10:~> ll /usr/lib/vncse*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12142 May  9 17:13 /usr/lib/vncserver
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1248 May  9 17:13 /usr/lib/vncsession-start


Not sure for leap15.6 but in tumbleweed the package xorg-x11-Xvnc provides /usr/sbin/vncsession and there are also two systemd services that must be enabled on server side so that the vncviewer-tigervnc can connect from the client side to the server side.


see also man vncsession and man xvnc for more details


Good afternoon.

I am kind of bound to leap rather than tumbleweed for reasons of the commercial software that I want to run. I am just not curious enough to explore any subtle differences.

And in fact, I just checked only for binaries to be called in the default


That the vncserver is stored away in /usr/lib and that vncsession is in /usr/sbin escaped me, indeed. To me this is the indication that starting any vnc-desktop on the server side by vncserver is no longer considered good practise since tigervnc 1.11.0 in 2020. To my knowledge, since then systemd service files are the preferred method to start a vnc session with all the issues that this incures. (open)SUSE opted for a different approach and use vncmanager and this has advantages and it is fine, indeed! So I do want to stick with this approach. It just so happens, that having the vnc desktop session survive disconnecting from the client viewer is the default use case for me and other users. Having to remember to manually do the clicks to make the session persistent, is just a source of error that I’d like to avoid. To me, disconnecting the client is like turning off your monitor, not your computer (in a sense). When you come back and turn on your monitor, your work should be there as you left it.

Anyway, apparently this is tricky and I would like to thank everybody for taking the time to look into this. For the time being, me and others will just have to be aware of this and do and explicit call to vncmanager-controller to have the session survive.


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