VNC Problems with 11.0

I have used a VNC server via web with SUSE 10.3 and it worked just fine. After updating to suse 11.0 I have not been able to get the vnc to work not on a client not through the web browser not any way i have tried. I was wondering if any one could give me some insite to what could be the problem thanks.

I am having the same problem with 11.0. It has been very frustrating and I am considering uninstalling 11.0. Anybody have an update on this? Or better yet, is there like a web remote administration tool out there that I am not seeing. Such as log me in for Linux?


Have you both read this

I don’t use VNC but ssh. Sorry I can’t be more help.

I’ve used VNC in various installations including Suse9.3 and OpenSuse 10.3 with no problems. VNC under OpenSuse 11.0 was a pain >:( to get running. It would connect for a very brief second, I would see a screen draw and then it would disconnect. Changing the type of VNC connection (tight, Hextile, etc) produced the same results, sometimes a different error message, but would never connect.

I could connect from a remote PC with firefox to http://mySuse11server:5801 and this would work just fine.

When I would connect using a winXP and TightVNC viewer v1.2.8.0 to mySuse11server:1 I would get connected briefly and the disconnected.

I solved it by editting /etc/xinetd.d/vnc
and changed the Service VNC1 , server_arg line
-noreset -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1280x1024
-depth 16
TO :
-noreset -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 24

*** Note the Depth from 16 to 24 is changed. Also note this is all on 1 line in the actual file.

Stop and restart the VNC service and try again.
This worked for me

Good luck !

I have followed your instructions and they have fix a multitude of issues. However I have one issue that will not go away, when I connect I get a patch work of blue, green and purple rectangles left by closed windows or just randomly showing up here and there. It makes the connection unusable.

I solved it by editting /etc/xinetd.d/vnc
and changed the Service VNC1 , server_arg line
-noreset -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 24

Info and Changes made:
I changed all the service vnc1-3 to depth 24.
Both laptops us ATI graphic’s.
Firewalls were off for this test.
Both Laptops used opensuse 11

Has anyone else had this issue with random blocks showing up in the remote client screen?

Here is an image of what my viewer is showing

click here

If Anyone can help please contact me.


Opensuse 11.0 Kde 3.5 (have tried 4.1 with same outcome)
two laptops both have ati graphics
two desktop both have nvidia cards
all have 3d working
Test was conducted locally and over the internet.

Had mouse issue but the depth fix has taken care of that problem.
(mouse wouldn’t track correctly on remote system. it was off by a inch or so to the left of actual position)

Turns out the issue is with krdc and krfc opensuse 11’s default interface for vnc. My guess is that it might be the result of them being a part of the kde 4 suite not the kde 3.5 desktop suite.

However this gives us another option to vnc since the issue is not with the tightvnc package.

Step 1
Open a Terminal and type in


Hit return and you will be prompted to enter a password.

Step 2
The full access password must be at least 8 character in length.
Once this is done you are asked it you want to setup a view only password. (if you want them only to look this is the one for you)

Step 3
Gather your ip address and pass and open the viewer on another system.
Terminal command:


you will see a little xwindow open

Step 4
You now need to enter the ip address and port of the vncservers.

Step 5
Enter the password and the vncview window will bring you to the kdm login where you will enter the user name and password of the account you wish to use.

have fun

O and remember to turn off the firewall for your first test if possible. This will cut out a ton of issues.