vnc problem with xterm

I have the following problem with xterm on vnc on opensuse 11.4.

I start a vncserver, and then inside that session I start xterm.
However, if the xterm emits a beep/bel/ascii 7 then the sound
comes out on the machine on which the server is running.
Every other installation I’ve used has the sound come out on
the viewer end (which is what you’d expect and want).

Any ideas on what’s wring and how to fix it?


Many computers have both a sound card, and a small primitive speaker circuit for emitting beeps. The latter beeps can, for example, be produced by the BIOS to report errors during system initialization.

If some sound events by x clients (such as xterm) happen to be set to use the primitive BIOS speaker, then you probably get what you are seeing.

then you probably get what you are seeing.

Seeing a beep:question:

(Sorry, I could not resist, but I am with you for the rest of the explanation).

I think it’s more complicated. If I access the remote machine
using ssh and then start xterm from the command line the sound
comes out on the local end. That is, the same xterm binary but
different handling of the beep. Wouldn’t that suggest that it’s
the server, in this case vnc?

Seeing a beep happens too, with visible beeps (the screen momentarily flashes).

On some systems, xterm uses the sound card, on some it uses the BIOS speaker, on some it does a visible beep, and on some I cannot notice anything at all. It would be nice if it were consistent, but it never has been. And I have seen the same inconsistencies with Solaris-x86 as with linux.