vnc not working right

hi all:

i have opensuse 13.1 and had remote desktop service activated. as my understanding, it is tightvnc based.

now i can connect to it via tightvnc viewer with “” but i have some issues:

  1. i can only connect to it via port 5901, not 5900, 5902, 590x.
  2. even connected with port 5901, the remote desktop i saw was different from what was on the local machine. on the local, i had one instance of firefox opened with multiple tags, but when i connected to it from the remote, firefox won’t start, claimed there was another copy of firefox running.



On 2014-09-17 02:56, ipfreak wrote:

> 2) even connected with port 5901, the remote desktop i saw was different
> from what was on the local machine. on the local, i had one instance of
> firefox opened with multiple tags, but when i connected to it from the
> remote, firefox won’t start, claimed there was another copy of firefox
> running.

Means you got a new session for the same user which already has a local
session running. Firefox does say that. Also via ssh. There is a
parameter to tell FF to open a new instance - but I guess that is not
what you want.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

thanks for reply.

is there anyway to login and use the local session? i activated remote desktop on mac os x with tightvnc client, what i got was whatever the local machine has.

If I understand what you posted and your objectives,

Opening an additional port isn’t likely going to enable what you want.
As for being unable to connect on an additional port, it’s most likely that your firewall is blocking(You didn’t mention how you configured your SUSE FW, whether you simply added the pre-configured VNC service or manually created a rule).

I’m guessing that you actually want to connect to a different display.
You may find the VNC Usage SDB useful, the following link to a section describes how to connect to a display although for different purposes