VNC client - "Insufficient memory to allocate network buffer.."

I have a couple of existing OpenSuse Leap 15.2 Installations

I can access these via UntraVNC from my Windows PC

Using the same PC and “same” installation setting / procedure I’m getting

“Insufficient memory to allocate network buffer…”

I’ve done this 3 times days and twice yesterday

I have searched Google but most posts are years old

Any ideas welcome.

Ok, MUST be some updated prrograms that might might have broken VNC

I’ve just finished a new install
taking almost all defaults
Goto Yast added Remote Admin VNC > Opened firewall
and I’ve the same problem

Unfortunatly, I’m using Network install which will alway be uptodate I guess!
should have download an ISO :slight_smile:
The other 2 workin systems were setup about a month / 3 weeks ago

If that message is happening in windows - your windows needs rebooting to free memory.

If in OpenSUSE - I have no idea why as mine connect via ultraviewer from dec 2014 in windows.

Thanks but it can’t be Windows side.
(Well I guess it can)
But 2 pc & notebook at home.
Today I found some time at work!
Again, several pc’s
Downloaded the latest UltraVnc
Even tried RealVnc

Oh, btw… the 2 other Opensuse leap systems work fine… on these same windows pc’s
These were setup about a month ago

Can you reduce the resolution on the OpenSuse server client that gives problems to you and retry?

How much memory is free on the Windows machine running the VNC client?

On the Linux box Screen resolution is 1280 x 1024… PC resolution is 1920 x 1080
On the pc I have 8Gb ram & Task manger shows 5.6Gb free memory.

I can connect to the other 2 OpenSuse boxes from this pc no problem. And from my notebook.

So issue must be on OpenSuse side… on new installs this week. 4 pcs now and at least 2 installs on each

It seems you have multiple machines you can not VNC into from Windows.

Can you, from one of these machines that is giving problems, VNC into another machine that is giving problems?

There is a difference between 64 bit apps Free Memory and 32 bit apps Free Memory in Windows 10.

32 Bit apps are running in a virtual Vista 32 bit machine. As far as I can tell all the VNC apps are 32 bit.

I have 32 GB of RAM but only 16 MB of 32 Bit memory in Windows 10 - the cleanup for 32 Bit Memory is bad and it leaks memory over time until it gives the “Insufficient memory” error.

ok, after a lot of messinging around - Testing / Analysis I mean !

I can sort of make it work by :

Setup Remote Administration WITHOUT Session management

(Swapping from 1 to the other then swapping back also seem to work - I guess the displaymanager is restarted )

When it doesn’t connect - it will if I login via Putty to Console Text Screen and I issue
systemctl restart xdm** - sort of deafets the object

I also edited some files:

edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf and set


Edit /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager and add

Edit /etc/host and rem out ::1 - Black Screen only square blob Cursor

Boy this is NOT fun!

**Is there something more reliable than VNC to access Server GUI screen ??
The other two Servers work just fine

My guess is VNC Server settings are not updated correctly

Did you try what I asked before? If so, what was the outcome?

That will give some information on what is the problem.

Have you tried x11vnc on the server - It is what I use - mine looks like this - change user to the user that is started and mypass to the password you want.
I have this in my startup so I can access - I log any errors to a log file should anything go wrong.

username@VM1:~> cat bin/vnc
rm -f ~username/x11vnc.old
mv ~username/x11vnc.log ~username/x11vnc.old
/usr/bin/x11vnc -nap -wait 50 -noxdamage -passwd mypass -display :0 -shared -forever -o ~username/x11vnc.log -bg