Vmware on OpenSUSE 11.1 (beta4)


Anyone is able to run vmware-workstation 6.5.0 on opensuse 11.1 beta4 ?

I installed the rpm but i get:

modinfo: could not find module vmmon
modinfo: could not find module vmnet
modinfo: could not find module vmblock
modinfo: could not find module vmci
modinfo: could not find module vsock
modinfo: could not find module vmmon
modinfo: could not find module vmnet
modinfo: could not find module vmblock
modinfo: could not find module vmci
modinfo: could not find module vsock

I couldn’t find a way to build new modules for the 2.6.27 kernel.

Do you have these packages installed:

binutils (needed by VMware Server)
findutils (needed by VMware Server)
glibc-devel (needed by VMware Server)
findutils-locate (needed by VMware Server)
gcc (needed by VMware Server)
flex (needed by VMware Server)
lynx (needed by VMware Server)
compat-readline4 (needed by VMware Server)
gcc-c++ (needed by VMware Server)
make (needed by VMware Server)
kernel-source (needed by VMware Server)

If so then try this:

Please do as su -:

cd /usr/src/your_running_kernel_directory
make cloneconfig && make modules_prepare

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig && make modules_prepare


I’ve the same issue. I fixed it like this:
./VMware-Workstation-6.5.0-118166.x86_64.bundle -x ./vmware-distrib-bundle
cd vmware-distrib-bundle/vmware-player/lib/modules/source/
untar all *.tars
mkdir /lib/modules/uname -r/misc
do “make ; cp *.ko /lib/modules/uname -r/misc” in each directory
depmod -ae
make does not succeded in ‘vmppuser-only’, but vmware is starting normally .


Well, from the beginning it’s not the best idea to have a Virtual Machine running on a Beta version :slight_smile:
I understand running Beta guest on 11.0 but Virtual Guests on Beta :)??
installing make and gcc and kernel-source should do just fine.
I used Vmware 6.5 on 11.0 with no problems and i don’t think there should be any on 11.1

Maybe you’re right, beta release isn’t stable enough to host vmware guests. But this is a TEST release, and if someone likes to test some features, I think it’s good. With beta4 and vmware 6.5 there is an issue, and installing make and gcc and kernel-source do not do just fine. When beta 4 becomes public release, I’m sure this issue will be fixed. But if nobody will TEST betas, then no fixes will be possible.

  • lmedinas,

very often there’s an inofficial “any-any patch” available, making VMware work on brand new Linux distros.


I saw one in bugzilla where “gcc” didn’t get installed with the pattern "C/C++.

Check that make, gcc, kernel-source & kernel-syms are all installed.
“make clean” 1st at the retry.

Many times I have needed that any-any patch with new beta releases; run the
“vmware-config.pl” from there (last I recall was .114, but it’s been a while. so look for a later one).