VLC with NIVIDA HMDI audio: after trying to change the volume in VLC, only crazy acustic noise

i have a freshly installed openSUSE 13.1, my system has an intecrated sound card (detected as X-FI Titanium series [EMUU20k2]), a NVIDIA gtx 680 graphic card with a hdmi audio device included (this is detected too).

Basically my sound via the integrated X-FI Titatnium device works (there a a few flaws like phonon plays no test sounds). With VLC i had some problems at first though:

  • at first no sound played at all
  • in the VLC audio settings the output module was set to: “automatic”
  • i changed it to “pulseaudio” nothing changed
  • i changed it to “ALSA” and selected my X-FI device -> audio played fine!

In the next step i wanted to test video and audio over my TV which is plugged into my NVIDIA card via HDMI:

  • using the NVIDIA propitary display driver, video worked directly
  • i keeped the VLC audio settings at ALSA but changed the device to my HDMI device: “HDA NVidia, HDMI 0 HDMI Audio Output” it is strange that there are 4 of this listed! but every one played sound!

But when trying to change the volume setting with the VLC volume slider: loud crazy acoustic noise starts, actually the volume slider did not changed the volume at all (it works for the X-FI) and after the crazy noise started there was no way to stop it (apart from closing VLC) but i was not able to use that device after that, everytime i tried to play i VLC video again the noise was there right from the start, no volume slider change needed. But changing the audio device to X-FI helped!
Rebooting the system works to but again i cannot change the volume slider in VLC.

I tried to test the HDMI device with other programms like the browser but it does not work there, even when put on top of each list in phonon.

The problem solved itself with e simple reboot and i installed pavucontrol.