VLC - Video but slight audio skipping

I’m not sure what information you need to help me out. If I could get some instructions to give you some info on my system.

All I can tell you right now is the audio output I’m using is “UNIX OSS audio output.” Its the only one that works.

Is this a video source that you are streaming, playing from a local file, or from a DVD?

Trying to play divx avi’s.

Assuming sound is ok elsewhere?

Say playing flash video in a browser
Audio in Amarok etc…

Are you using VLC from the Packman repo?

And maybe read here
SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE

I get audio skipping (together with video freezing) of the latest vlc on video_ts directories, but not on .avi files. I rolled back to vlc-0.8.6i-0.pm.2 and the problem went away.

But I have not seen this on .avi files.

In my case, MPlayer and xine play the video_ts with no problem.

I am using the vlc from the videolan repository and seem to work will on my machine. Just maybe don’t use the beta which is in their repository also.

To the op, please post the output from the other multimedia app if you have, oldcpu is very good in analyzing and trouble shooting those problems.

Ya, audio works perfectly else where, just that it skips in vlc.

So I uninstalled VLC. Removed the videolan repo. Went to the vlc site and did the one click install… but I think I got the beta… How do I “rollback” the version? Or can someone give me instructions to uninstall and then install the proper files?

If you want to roll back, you may enable or add the videolan repository in yast and replace the beta versions. For audio in vlc under references-audio I am using ALSA audio output.

Check your repo’s = the oneclick has probably just added the vlc repo again

use Yast = software management
filter by repo - select vlc
make sure libdvdcss is installed from vlc
check the vlc player to delete

now disable the vlc repo

Now filter by repo and select Packman
click packages tab and select upgrade all unconditionally

Just to comment with the vlc repo.
I am using the vlc repo and use it for my vlc player and it works properly as of writing.
Actually my wife just watch a movie titled 50first by Adam Chandler and Drew Barrymore
on the other monitor last night and was able to finish it with out a problem.:slight_smile:
My point is, what is really wrong with that repo that it seems some are reluctant to use it.
Anyway if the repos apps is really problematic please pardon me. But with due honesty It just works with me here.

Okay, having some problems with your instructions (I know, I’m a noob :p)

  1. libdvdcss is NOT installed. Should I install it?
  2. “check the vlc player to delete” < No idea what you want me to do there?
  3. How do you disable a repo?
  4. I don’t have a packages tab… I went software management and it brought me to Package Selection - YaST. The tabs I have at the top are: Available, Upgrades, Installed, or All

1 Yes

2 In the vlc repo find ‘vlc’ - right click and select delete

3 In software Management you can access the repo manager from the repositories tab at the top of the page - when done you will be back in software management

4 You are using gnome I take it
So I’m not sure
But select packman in the filter area
I forgot to say you now need to check VLC for install in Packman
Then try Upgrades from the three tabs along the top (I’m not sure this shows downgrades too?)

Here is how it looks in yast


Grrr. Well… whatever I did… VLC now has NO sound. Whats frustrating is that totem has perfect audio but no video, and vlc has perfect video but no audio. Stupid. Well, any ideas?

In your first post you said you were using unix oss and I am using alsa audio output
See my previous posts on how to change it, Hopefully that might spell the difference.

Take it slowly.

Double check you have disabled the vlc repo

Make sure all Packman packages are updated or in some cases rolled back from vlc versions.

Check here
SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE

I’ve tried all the output mods. Thanks though.

Not an expert to this but do you have the alsa installed.
In your home directory do you have a .vlc folder?
Can you check because I remember that I rename the files inside of it before when I was having some issues with it. Now when I check the renamed ones those, were not replaced nor rebuilt but vlc is working.


Under preferences is audio enabled

Well I restarted the computer and now it is working again, but it still has the skippy audio. I think the skippy audio is related to the avi file. I played a wmv and the audio was perfect.

I do not have a vlc folder in my home directory, should I?

It’s a hidden folder .vlc

but I have one on my box
but not on my laptop

but vlc works on both

I shouldn’t worry about it