VLC player wrongly starts


I have Suse 11.4 and GNOME 2.32.1
When I click on Computer -> Places -> Home then VLC Media Player opens instead of the window with my home folder that should actually pop up. The same thing happens with all other icons in the Places tab.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

Create a new user to test and see if it happens there

I created a new test user and indeed, with this test user it works correctly. What might be the reason for this problem?

Was your /home/*username
Kept from a previous install? Perhaps from a different distro?

Anyway, basically all your settings are messed up.
Let me understand this correctly: Your problem is from the menu, like this, it launches vlc?
SUSE Paste

No, definitely not. Its a fresh installation.

Exactly. But not just from the home button but for all buttons in the Places menu.

If you open the file manager from the desktop or from the main Fav’s menu, does it work correctly
What about the Places entries in the file manager window, do they behave normally?

Yes works all correctly.
Nautilus opens from desktop, from Applications → File Manager, even from Places → More Places…
Nautilus by itself works also correctly.
But Places->favorite places are not working.

I don’t have time to address this right now. But I will look at it when I return this evening or first thing Friday.
My guess, we’ll need to delete some config files

I really appreciate your help.

Try renaming .gconf (it’s a hidden folder in your /home)

call it .gconf-old

Logout and back in

reply back

I tried it but unfortunately didn’t help.

As I’ve seen it created a new .gconf file after I restarted thus this should not be the reason for my problem.

Here is what I suggest.
Copy all your personal files from your account /home to a safe place. That could be a windows partition or another Linux installation.
Once you are sure you have all you need. Logout and then in with the other test account. From there use Yast to delete your old account (including the /home). Once that is done, re-create the account you just deleted.
Logout and back in to your newly created account and test it. If it’s OK, move your files back.

I tried it and it worked.
Thank you very much!

I knew it would
Well done