I am running VLC and thought I had the packman repo installed and with all the multimedia packages I needed installed, but clearly not. Could I have missed something?
I must be getting past it as the last search for this topic on this forum was from 2016 so I am having to ask.
Hi and many thanks. I am proceeding slowly and the problem I have turns out not to be my packages but the way I have been trying to use yt-dlp.
If I use yt-dlp using the url I have from my browser it seems to default to an HLS stream connection. In fact I do not want the HLS stream and if I use XDM I can select one of four resolutions being offered, HLS, 720p, 360p and 480p. How do I tell ty-dlp to select the 720p file rather than trying to process the stream?
This is a bit OT for this thread so if you suggest I can start a new thread but many thanks for the help.
If you don’t want to dive into the command line options of yt-dlp, i recommend to use clipgrab (available in OSS repo). Clipgrab uses yt-dlp as underlying downloader but offers an easy to understand GUI.