I get “There are some conflicts on the transaction that must be solved manually” I would like to just include an attachment but, not permitted. Anyways there are three options:
replacement of liboil-0.3.14------ with
Thanks but, after that I get another two options; neither choice changes anything:
oiboil_3-0----- obloletes liboil <=0.3.14
The following actions will be done
do not install liboil-0_3-0-0 -----
do not install vlc -----
Replacement of liboil-3.14-18---- with
Tried the second option the same conflicts keep returning.
I have a suspicion that this is a problem with repositories that are not setup properly, where inappropriate repositories (repos) are giving zypper a difficult time in sorting the dependencies. I always recommend 4 (and only 4) repos to avoid such problems … ie OSS, Non-OSS, Update and Packman. Just those 4. Only add more when one understands the risks, and when one understands how to sort dependency hiccups that can result from too many repos.
What is the output of:
zypper lr
If you post that output here, it may be possible to confirm my suspicion. Or simply change to the 4 repos I recommend, remove all others, and try again. You can find advice on how to setup those 4 repos here: Repositories/11.0 - openSUSE-Community
I’m currently travelling a lot, so my replies may be days apart.
Well I now have just the non-oss, packman, oss and Updates and get the same results trying to install VLC. I choose the Replacement and the same window returns ie nothing happens.
oiboil_3-0----- obloletes liboil <=0.3.14
The following actions will be done
do not install liboil-0_3-0-0 -----
do not install vlc -----
Replacement of liboil-3.14-18---- with
Try ONLY removing liboil-3.14-18 and installing liboil-0_3-0-0.15 all in the same operation, and NO other application install/de-installs at the same time, and see if that works.
Here’s my Repos:
1 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-11.0-Non-Oss | Yes | No
2 | Index of /pub/packman/suse/11.0 | Packman Repository | Yes | Yes
3 | repo-oss | openSUSE-11.0-Oss | Yes | No
4 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | Updates for 11.0 | Yes | Yes
and here is all that shows under liboil:
• liboil-0_3-0-debuginfo
• liboil-0_3-0-debugsource
• liboil-devel
• liboil-doc
You don’t need those (ie don’t need debuginfo, debugsource, debug-devel, debug-doc). The one you need is simply “liboil”. If you add more rpms that you need, there is always a risk you can bring about unnecessary dependency problems.
My elevator may run a bit shy of the top deck; I don’t know but, all of a sudden the right liboil is there and VLC is installing as I speak. Thank you for your help; you too Oldcpu.
OK one more for you: I selected “Custom” in “Preferred Applications/Multimedia” and put “/usr/bin/vlc” into “Command” but, Totem still defaults. Argggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!