VLC-beta 3.0 from Packman repo - not playing videos

Has anyone installed the packages and gotten videos to play?

Installed it and no video tested played (avi, flv and m4v), looked at log file (set to verbosity of 2) and didn’t see any obvious errors so went back to std VLC as needed it to play vids. Note: mp3 files played fine

Interested in 3.0 so I can use it with my Chromecast (supposedly at some point)


I did a quick test, and it worked fine with the one video I tried (AVI with XVID/mp3 codecs).

Did you install vlc-beta-codecs? They might not be pulled in automatically…

PS: as you use the proprietary nvidia driver, try to uninstall libvdpau_va_gl1. This re-routes VDPAU (nvidia’s hw accelerated video decoding) to VA-API, and can cause problems with the nvidia driver which only supports VDPAU.
Or try to set a different video output device in VLC’s settings.

had installed the vlc-beta codec package

just retried with XCB output (instead of automatic) and an avi played but couldn’t open a 2nd avi until I restarted VLC
won’t open flv, iso or m4v files though the file name does appear at the bottom
app won’t close must be killed

with a clean ~/.config/vlc and xcb output it appear to function fine as long as I only play only avi files any other video type and the app needs to be restarted

going back to std untill next update and then will retest

there was another user who posted similar https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/504479-VLC-Beta?highlight=vlc+beta I opened a new thread as his was in the wrong forum

update - got it working by

  • starting with a fresh ~/.config/vlc
  • disabling hardware-accelerated decoding
  • changing video output to OpenGL GLX video output (XCB) (from Automatic)

now playing FLV, avi, m4v and .iso files