VLC and Suspend mode

My system is set to sleep after 20 minutes automatically.
How can I prevent the system from suspending when I am using vlc?
Thank you, in davance.

Adrián E. Córdoba

Can you clarify.

Are you stating that you’re watching a video using VLC (and not doing anything with the system, just watching)?

I only leave the system playing music through VLC.

In KDE you can select to not stop playing when idling.

Unfortunately, the OP never stated which DE they are using.

I’m using KDE Plasma 5.27.11.
Svyatko… How do you do that (select to not stop playing when idling)?
Thank you.

In 15.5 with Plasma 5.27.9 it’s: System Settings => Power Management => Advanced Power Settings => other settings => pause media player when suspending: untick

I assume with 5.27.11 it’s still the same.

Thank you kasi042!
I knew that configuration. (It’s the same thing in openSuse Leap 15.6.) But “Enabled” or not, the system go to sleep anyway.

Yeah, that won’t stop suspending from occurring. FWIW, you may be able to use systemd-inhibit as described in this thread…


Note that it only cares the vlc is running, not that any media is being played as such.

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KDE Plasma Activities may provide a means to inhibiting suspend while watching or listening to media. You can specifically set up a custom activity (eg Media Playing) to prevent “automatically shutting down or sleeping” amongst other things:

It might be worth considering upgrading to Plasma 6…

I’m using that with Leap 15.6, and it brings many significant improvements (including that oulined above).

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