I wanted to install VLC version 2 on my openSUSE 12.1 Gnome 32-bit. The main reason I didn’t like the previous version is that it failed to disable the screensaver, so every 10 minutes I had to move the mouse. I used the official VLC repo, which resulted as expected in terrific dependency spaghetti. My question is: if VLC 2 is planned to be released in Packman, and if yes, when?
Am 01.04.2012 15:36, schrieb yavorf:
> Thank you, Martin!
> Good idea, I’ll report what they have said.
Thanks, I think several vlc users will be interested in the answer.
PC: oS 11.4 x86_64 | Intel Core i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.6.0 |
GeForce GT 420
Eee PC 1201n: oS 12.1 x86_64 | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | 3GB | KDE 4.8.1
| nVidia ION
eCAFE 800: oS 12.1 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | KDE 3.5.10 |
I have just installed vlc 2 (from the vlc repo - leaving the other existing multimedia rpm’s from packman installed) and it works fine. Looks good too.
I have just installed vlc 2 (from the vlc repo - leaving the other existing multimedia rpm’s from packman installed) and it works fine. Looks good too.
Packman team wrote me, that some-when in the weekend VLC 2 is going to be in the repo. The official VLC repo results in dependency conflicts (libvlccore5, libvlc5 - i had to lock these two, because an update to 2.1.0-20120319202.1 would break the player itself), nevertheless the player is working fine. We are waiting.
it’s in today’s Packman, there’s a phonon-backend-vlc dependency that pops up but I just ignored it and 2.0 not only seems to work fine it opens without the long delay experienced in the previous version
No more watching TV with VLC 2, it does no longer play DVB-S/S2 channels. It’s not openSuse specific. Same problems reported in other distributions as well.
As of today that conflict seems to have been resolved. Selecting VLC for upgrade from Packman pulls in an updated phonon-backend-vlc without complaining.