VirtualBox usb error.

Not sure if this is right place to ask this?
openSUSE 11.0, linux, VirtualBox-1.6.2_31466_openSUSE103-1

I get the following error when I click Setting in the Vbox manager. If I
give it an OK I get the management screen and it shows 1 active usb device.
It my usb printer.

I was able to print the test page from XP Home the first time, but now I
cannot print anything from XP. Prints fine from Linux.

Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service
might be not installed on the host computer.

Result Code:
IHost {81729c26-1aec-46f5-b7c0-cc7364738fdb}
IMachine {f95c0793-7737-49a1-85d9-6da81097173b}

Where do I find the USB Proxy Service?

Let me know if I am in the wrong place or if you
need more information.

Thanks for any help.

Linux register user 441463

You seem to be using the oss 10.3 ver of vbox?

I use vbox but just don’t bother with usb, never need it. But I think the non-oss ver available from sun: Downloads - VirtualBox
has full usb support

If you intend sticking with the suse oss ver then you should have this repo:
Index of /repositories/Virtualization:/VirtualBox/openSUSE_11.0

are you use ose version?

the solution for you can be installation of pdf creator from sf to your winxp system… then you could print fine from linux :slight_smile:

another one can be network printer that shared from host oS


didencool wrote:

> are you use ose version?
> the solution for you can be installation of pdf creator from sf to your
> winxp system… then you could print fine from linux :slight_smile:
> PS:
> another one can be network printer that shared from host oS

No I downloaded the SUN version with usb support. It was a 10.3 rpm which
seemed to work fine until today when i get the mentioned error message. At
first I was able to print to the printer thru cups on the host linux

Linux register user 441463

caf4926 wrote:

> You seem to be using the oss 10.3 ver of vbox?
yes that is correct I download the 10.3 RPM from Sun.
> I use vbox but just don’t bother with usb, never need it. But I think
> the non-oss ver available from sun: ‘Downloads - VirtualBox’
> (
> has full usb support
yes it does and thats the one I installed. My problem is my print connects
to my host as a usb device (Xerox Phaser 6120).
> If you intend sticking with the suse oss ver then you should have this
> repo:
> ‘Index of /repositories/Virtualization:/VirtualBox/openSUSE_11.0’
> (
Not using the SUSE version as it is OSE and has no usb support.
Thanks for the response. I’ll look on the SUN site for any type of help or
clues. If I find an answer I’ll post it.

Linux register user 441463

You can download the pdf documentation, it’s quite comprehensive

caf4926 wrote:

> You can download the pdf documentation, it’s quite comprehensive
Yes I did that last night, I’ll look for it tonight. Thanks again.

Linux register user 441463

Hi there, I’ve got a write-up of how to get USB working with VB on my Linux blog (see below), you might find it helpful.

Regards, Julian
Living with Linux
Knightnet Home Page

Thanks for the clear explanation. To mount usbfs at boot add “mount usbfs” without the quote marks to /etc/init.d/boot.local.

Thanks, I’ll update the post with that info.