virtualbox on 11.1 - no luck

About this error:

Thanks for that. I followed those instructions. Now, VirtualBox is at least responding. I am getting the following error:

This error can be avoided by deleting the file:


before installing the distribution version (2.06) with yast.

On the other hand the 2.1 version at the VirtualBox download
site is much enhanced, for example my Nokia phone now fully
functions in my XP guest.
To get the right devel dependencies installed is quite easy:

In yast software management select patterns in the filter drop
down box, scroll down to the Development section and mark Linux
kernel development for installation and click accept, done.
Why isn’t the above included in the default installation?

Gone through this add yourself to the group vboxusers and it’s
also a good idea to add yourself to the cdrom group, enabling
you to mount cd’s under vbox.

Installing from the official repository will only bring the OSE version which comes with no USB support. Of course you can make some tweaks to get some USB going but that requires a high level of expertise. So the best way is to go for the Sun’s binary and add the kernel sources.

Just my 2 cents


tried the ose release… they don’t have usb support… if you don’t need it that ok… otherwise you need to get sun release…

i tried it… i needed to change fstab to get usb support…

that worked fine for one day… and after usb have stoped to work…

that seem a suse problem because there are not problem with mandriva and ubuntu…

anyway, vmware work fine with opensuse and the usb too

Did You try

mount -a  ## as superuser

after your reboot?

You must mount your your “new” /etc/fstab entry on every reboot.

I use the SUN release because of usb support, and since 10.2 i’m using it without any issue :slight_smile:

ok so this is the deal you need to get the linux kernal development pack. so go to systome —> administrator settings (Yast)—> online up date ---->filter: pattern then one the left look for development ---->linux kernal development add that ----> continue with your update ----> restart computer and every thing should be up and running. tell me how it goes.

Des :wink: