When there is a total of 2 GB of physical RAM, how much RAM would you give to openSUSE-11.2 (i586) with KDE as a VirtualBox guest in Vista? There is no intention of running a second VM at the same time.
You should get an idea from this in the V. machine settings:
And it depends how much garbage you have running in Vista. If it’s a Vendor loaded OEM version, it may have a load of rubbish loaded and be a real hog.
Vbox will warn if you use more than half for the VM. Also I assume it will also warn if you leave too little for the host OS, half or not.
And it depends how much garbage you have running in Vista.
Almost nothing. Well, Vista is [Charlie-Romeo-Alpha-Papa] anyway, but this is my daughter’s box at home and she spends me 40 gigs of HD space. Guest OS (OS = Open Suse) shall receive as much RAM as possible while still keeping the host system happy.
Vbox will warn if you use more than half for the VM.
Thanks. I didn’t know that it’s so smart. So I will go to the edge of the green limit. Let’s see what happens.
I have never used Virtualbox, but with VMware, I use about 768 meg of ram for a virtual 11.2 system under Windows 7; Incidently, I am running the mirror image of this on another system, this one where opensuse 11.2 is the host and windows 7 is the guest; also 768 meg of ram, with no complaints from the windows side; I do not think the ram setting is critical when running virtually; The default ram setting for the average linux guest with VMware is 256 meg of ram.
It is in VBox. It reserves the memory when a guest is started.