I’ve played around with Virtualbox many times in the past, most of the time without issue. Not now though. I’m trying to use Virtualbox so I can install Windows 10 (My wife’s car requires Windows to update her Garmin map… grrrrr!). So, after installing Virtualbox and the guest-tools, I attempted to start it.
Not happening. An error box came up immediately that stumped my meager skills. “You are not a member of the “vboxusers” group. Please add yourself to this group before starting Virtualbox. Do it using Yast/Security and Users/User and Group management. Don’t forget to re-login with user account!”
I opened Yast as instructed and stalled.
I’m not sure how to “re-login with user account.”
I don’t see a vboxusers group in my group listing. How do I add myself as a member?
Can someone help me with this? I’m not sure how to find the documentation to teach me how to go any farther. I’ve tried and can’t find anything that I thought applied.
I appreciate any assistance anyone could offer.