After I satrt virtual box, and satrt the windows 7 VM, I am trying to install this),…my computer makes noises ,like its using too much memory…and at one point it just shuts down…
I thought maybe I could cut down on memory, and disabled wireless and reduced teh screen brighness…went to Power save mode…its still shuts down my laptop…
ANy solutions??
I have a AMD 64 Turion x2 processor
i am running openSUSE 11.1
I am using KDE…just in case
IF you guys need any other details please tell me…
caf4926 adjusted his/her AFDB on Saturday 08 Aug 2009 15:26 to write:
> Memory noises eh?
> It would be helpful if you d=said how much memeory you have and how
> much you assigned to the W7 VM.
> A note: You should make a fixed size disc not an expanding one. I have
> W7 in 20GB VM
Another thing to add with caf is if you have limited physical memory do you
have enough swap?
IIRC when you set up virtualbox you can configure how much memory to
allocate to each vm if you have over allocated then you will be swapping
like crazy and probably crashing the kernel.
Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum
Yeah …I was away working on that…It was that I had created the hard disk images on /root…which didnt have enough space (i had partitioned it that way)…so all i had to do was change was to make the hard disk images on /home…where i had the most memory…