Virtual box error

I trying to run Whonix through Virtual Box and everytime I click start I get this error.

RTR3InitEx failed with rc=-1912 (rc=-1912)

The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful. Executing

‘/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup’

I tried the code with root access and everything says done but I still get the error message.

I’ve tried many things, re-installing vbox from this guide

But nothing works and I’m on the verge of giving up. :frowning:

Can anybody help?

p.s I’m quite new to unix and opensuse OS so please bear with me.


And what VirtualBox packages do you actually have installed?

rpm -qa | grep -i virtualbox

OK I am taking it you wanted me to use that line of code you suppied.
This is what I got back.

linux-ilc8:~ # rpm -qa | grep -i virtualbox


That is 32 bit the rest is 64

Do not mix Packages from openSUSE and Virtualbox.
Besides that it is in 32 Bit, this is from Virtualbox:

The Rest are openSUSE Packages.

As already mentioned by others, you installed two different versions at the same time, that is just bound to give you problems.
And you installed the 32bit version from Oracle on your 64bit system, which is not a good idea either.

I would suggest this:

sudo rpm -e VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.28_100309_openSUSE123
sudo zypper in -f virtualbox-host-kmp-desktop

After a reboot, VirtualBox should work.

PS: you should also install the package virtualbox-qt to have the actual GUI:

sudo zypper in virtualbox-qt

You probably have vboxgtk installed at the moment (because of the mention of python-virtualbox in your output). This doesn’t work at all, so better remove it too:

sudo zypper rm vboxgtk python-virtualbox