Virtual Box error log

All of a sudden I get an error log each time I start VBox. It gets dumped in /home/username

This is some of it, it goes on forever - well 100’s line all same: But VBox works fine

Log created: 2008-08-14T15:14:35.463487000Z
Executable: /usr/lib64/virtualbox/VirtualBox
Arg[0]: /usr/lib64/virtualbox/VirtualBox
Arg[1]: -comment
Arg[2]: XP SP3
Arg[3]: -startvm
Arg[4]: 95778e1b-39e1-4b59-8fb0-988ab765d15a
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=30 error=0 next_eip=806f487d eip=806f487d cr2=e1005000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=10 error=0 next_eip=0000059e eip=0000059c cr2=e1005000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=d error=82 next_eip=0000059c eip=0000059c cr2=e1005000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=30 error=0 next_eip=806ef0a8 eip=806ef0a8 cr2=00000449
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=30 error=0 next_eip=804da5d4 eip=804da5d4 cr2=e139d000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=3e error=0 next_eip=806ef0a8 eip=806ef0a8 cr2=e139d000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=3f error=0 next_eip=804db9d2 eip=804db9d2 cr2=823d92f0
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=3e error=0 next_eip=806ef0a8 eip=806ef0a8 cr2=e13dd000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=2d error=0 next_eip=80506d3e eip=80506d3c cr2=7c900000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=3e error=0 next_eip=00000000 eip=804e8697 cr2=e14f7000
remR3NotifyTrap: uTrap=3e error=0 next_eip=804dbbd0 eip=804dbbd0 cr2=806f5790

This was apparently a mistake in the 1.6.4 build and debug logging was enabled. It should be fixed in 1.6.6. There is a workaround, and that is to set

export VBOX_LOG_DEST=nofile


Thanks for that. I guessed as much.