Video Podcast software

Does anyone know of a good player to watch video podcasts on? I used to use iTunes on windows and was hoping for something similar with Suse. I can listen to audio podcasts on Amarok but video podcasts don’t work on it.

Any suggestions will be gratefully checked out.


Banshee is supposed to be able to do that.

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 16:23:45 GMT
silkmaze <> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good player to watch video podcasts on? I used to
> use iTunes on windows and was hoping for something similar with Suse. I
> can listen to audio podcasts on Amarok but video podcasts don’t work on
> it.
> Any suggestions will be gratefully checked out.
> Thanks.

{Chuckle} me again…

mplayer / smplayer will do that too… I’ve found it will play just about
any video format. Well, except for maybe the latest WMV format from
Microsoft, but… I don’t see that as an issue, since I just don’t download
that format by default. (proprietary format, icky!)


L R Nix

Well, I couldn’t get SMPlayer/MPlayer to work as a videocast player, maybe I’m doing something wrong but Banshee is downloading a couple of videocasts from DL.TV. As soon as it is finished I’ll see how it works and let you know.


Well Banshee downloaded the video podcast from DL.TV but it won’t play it. I don’t know why. Anyone??

how about miro?
Miro HD Video Player | Free internet tv and video podcast player.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I was in Jamaica for a couple of days.

Miro was the perfect solution.

Thank you.

glad i could help
and you’re welcome