Does anyone know of a good player to watch video podcasts on? I used to use iTunes on windows and was hoping for something similar with Suse. I can listen to audio podcasts on Amarok but video podcasts don’t work on it.
> Does anyone know of a good player to watch video podcasts on? I used to
> use iTunes on windows and was hoping for something similar with Suse. I
> can listen to audio podcasts on Amarok but video podcasts don’t work on
> it.
> Any suggestions will be gratefully checked out.
> Thanks.
{Chuckle} me again…
mplayer / smplayer will do that too… I’ve found it will play just about
any video format. Well, except for maybe the latest WMV format from
Microsoft, but… I don’t see that as an issue, since I just don’t download
that format by default. (proprietary format, icky!)
Well, I couldn’t get SMPlayer/MPlayer to work as a videocast player, maybe I’m doing something wrong but Banshee is downloading a couple of videocasts from DL.TV. As soon as it is finished I’ll see how it works and let you know.