video players with timeline preview // QtAV-player playback isn't smooth

I’m looking for video players that show a preview when you move the mouse cursor over the timeline.

I just tried both of the QtAV-player versions, but the playback is a bit jerky (not smooth).

I haven’t used QtAV it seams to only support various hardware acceleration
if you’re using an intel (or newer amd) graphic card try running

QMLPlayer -vd "vaapi;FFmpeg" filename

on nvidia chips with the nvidia propitiatory driver try

QMLPlayer -vd "CUDA;FFmpeg" filename


I do have a nvidia gtx 750;
however, when using the CUDA setting, the screen is blank. >_<

more info is needed
what driver are you using noveau has no video acceleration support you must use nvidia’s propitiatory driver (G04 on 750)
keep in mind not all video codecs are supported by your graphic card run vdpauinfo to see what your card supports


you can use mediainfo to see what codec your video uses and if it’s supported by your hardware

zypper in mediainfo 
mediainfo your_file.mkv

afaik the 750 does not have h265 and vp9 hardware support if you’re playing a x265 video you can only use software decoding
if you are trying to play a h264 video with cuda with the propitiatory nvidia drivers report an issue at the developers page

ps. there’s an nvidia repo for TW users so if you don’t have the nvidia driver get it from there

zypper ar -f nvidia
zypper inr

should install the appropriate driver (well only the G04 driver is available for TW)

I’m using 384.111 from the nvidia website.


Decoder capabilities:

name                        level macbs width height
MPEG1                           0 65536  4080  4080
MPEG2_SIMPLE                    3 65536  4080  4080
MPEG2_MAIN                      3 65536  4080  4080
H264_BASELINE                  41 65536  4096  4096
H264_MAIN                      41 65536  4096  4096
H264_HIGH                      41 65536  4096  4096
VC1_SIMPLE                      1  8190  2048  2048
VC1_MAIN                        2  8190  2048  2048
VC1_ADVANCED                    4  8190  2048  2048
MPEG4_PART2_SP                  3  8192  2048  2048
MPEG4_PART2_ASP                 5  8192  2048  2048
DIVX4_QMOBILE                   0  8192  2048  2048
DIVX4_MOBILE                    0  8192  2048  2048
DIVX4_HOME_THEATER              0  8192  2048  2048
DIVX4_HD_1080P                  0  8192  2048  2048
DIVX5_QMOBILE                   0  8192  2048  2048
DIVX5_MOBILE                    0  8192  2048  2048
DIVX5_HOME_THEATER              0  8192  2048  2048
DIVX5_HD_1080P                  0  8192  2048  2048
H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE      41 65536  4096  4096
H264_EXTENDED                  41 65536  4096  4096
H264_PROGRESSIVE_HIGH          41 65536  4096  4096
H264_CONSTRAINED_HIGH          41 65536  4096  4096
H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE       41 65536  4096  4096
HEVC_MAIN                      --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_10                   --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_STILL                --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_12                   --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_444                  --- not supported ---

The video I was testing with is a .webm using VP9.

Thanks for the information! It was very educational.