Video files from LAN

I can’t play video files from PC with windows XP (by LAN) under openSUSE 11 (GNOME) :expressionless:
I got codecs installed, movies works when I copy them to PC with suse but they doesn’t work from network :expressionless:

  • emiltusiowy,

what file type, what application do you use to play it, how do you connect to the Windows box?


any (avi, mpeg), i try in totem and VLC (totem crashes, VLC play video without sound) I got PC with suse connected by cable LAN to Windows PC

On 06/28/2008 emiltusiowy wrote:
> any (avi, mpeg), i try in totem and VLC (totem crashes, VLC play
> video without sound) I got PC with suse connected by cable LAN to
> Windows PC

So I assume you are using Samba to access the Windows PC, correct?
If so, try and mount the share.
As root:
mount -t cifs //IPofWindowsBox/share /mountpoint -o username=YourWindowsUsername,password=YourWindowsPassword


OK, it works now :slight_smile:
THX for help :smiley:

On 06/28/2008 emiltusiowy wrote:
> OK, it works now :slight_smile: THX for help :smiley:

You’re welcome, glad I could help :slight_smile:
