is what I did if I remember right. That was a while ago though, worth a try at any rate.
well has is a little strong, I think there is an open source driver attempt going on somewhere, and there should be ways to get acceptable performance otherwise, but as of now the proprietary ati drivers still seem like best bet to me.
I think one needs the proprietary ATI driver installed to get video acceleration.
I had a small hiccup yesterday in installing openSUSE-11.2 (with a Radeon HD3450 graphic hardware) on my laptop PC in front of our Linux users group. I kept my old /home from openSUSE-11.2 in doing a clean install, and BEFORE installing 11.2 I had forgotten to disable 11.1 KDE4 special desktop effects.
Well 11.2 installed (with radeonhd driver by default) but froze at the first starting of KDE4. Turns out having special desktop effects enabled would freeze the desktop with that opensource driver version with my laptop’s hardware under 11.2. Not nice at all !! (and embarrassing in front of our Linux users group). Fortunately building in run level 3 the proprietary ATI graphic driver ‘the hardway’ (which is NOT hard for someone who has done this successfully a few times) allowed me to reboot and then run KDE4 with my old /home KDE4 settings still in place (with video acceleration). … I regained “face” that way in front of the group, and some were impressed with the text mode of “yast” in run level 3.