very long delay between passsphrase and boot splash screen on Tumbleweed

Hello all, i use Tumbleweed since 4 months and i’m very bothered by the delay between passsphrase and boot splash screen on Tumbleweed.

My whole disk is encrypted and it take 20-30 seconds between passphrase prompt and the boot splash screen with options.

i come from Arch i used 2 years with more or less the same config, whole disk encrypted and it took 5 seconds before boot splash screen.

i saw with DMESG that interfaces like network and bluetooth make loose like 10 seconds or more.:frowning: (pass : opensuse)

Have you any idea how to delay the start of thoses interfaces after boot splash screen ? or better after login!

Best regards.


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This is normal and there is no solution currently. It is also unlikely that there will be:

tl;dr: GRUB doesn’t utilize your fancy CPU very well, which means it takes GRUB 30 seconds to do what the Linux kernel does in 3.
