version type control

is there a way have .doc, .odt and other sync up
and on email malt-able people and the file type transfer automatic

I’m not quite sure what you mean. When I receive anything, I have KDE File Associations set up to recognise the appropriate program for the file. There is a problem when I send people filetypes that their systems do not recognise but that AFAIK can only be sorted out at their end.

  1. At my end I will have in information Database(Address ** book) of in to that the person as for O S (win(xx),(Linux(type), (mac(xx))) then applications , example use office( if they have open office star office ms office)

It’s an interesting idea but I don’t see a straightforward way of doing it. At the moment all your defaults are saved in hidden files in /home. You would need to create a mechanism to call different hidden files for each contact in the Database from the within the application you were using - not a trivial task.

A long way round would be to create separate users for each of the contacts with whom you want to share documents and then set the File Associations and other defaults for that user.

It is also possible - I haven’t investigated this at all - that you could associate different users with different activities in KDE4 and set up different defaults for them. Even in this case, you wouldn’t be getting the information from a Database but from your own setup.