Fresh install this morning of Leap 15.3 Plasma and I added the Packman repository for the multimedia codecs with:
sudo zypper addrepo -cfp 90 ‘$releasever/’ packman
sudo zypper install --allow-vendor-change ffmpeg-3 lame gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-ugly-orig-addon
gstreamer-plugins-libav libavdevice57 libdvdcss2
Everything installs ok but then when I try to:
sudo zypper ref && sudo zypper up I get:
The following 2 package updates will NOT be installed:
gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang
I can see the above two packages are installed when I check in YaST. Under the versions, the alternate option for repository is the
SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 repository and I see it is correctly controlled by the packman repository. If I disable this repository, the error above goes away.
Any ideas how to eliminate the above error while keeping the SLE repository active?