I have searched around with out success on this one,
I run V11.1 on a minimalised install on a stick with TWM, no KDE at all but I cant get rid of the screen shutdown after about 20 minutes. Also I have several other boxes with v11.1 with KDE and still cant get rid of these screen shut downs.
I dont believe this is coming from the bios in these machines. they are all Intel D945 MBs with some sort of Nvidea cards.
My app normal runs with no user mouse or input and is pocessor intensive.
I would like to retain the power shutdown and reboot capability from comand line.
I realise its not as simple as pulling symlinks of of the init levels in the new complicated distros, but I was suprised the non kde twm install still shuts down the screen.
So I want a low level level fix that will remove anything kicked off by init that will derate the system performance or turn off the screen.
hca wrote:
> So I want a low level level fix that will remove anything kicked off by
> init that will derate the system performance or turn off the screen.
-=welcome=- (have not seen you here before)
i can’t give you the low level info you seek, but this might be
helpful with the machines with KDE: probably easily fixable by
accessing ALL THREE places the setting might be hiding (do NOT ask me
what ‘they’ were thinking):
the KPowersave app, on my machine that looks like a electrical plug
sitting down by the clock…right click that and then go “configure
KPowersave” (alternatively “kpowersave” in a terminal)…caution there
are several ‘profiles’ i found it confusing but helpful to set every
one of them to exactly what i want all the time, then if somehow
something else switches ‘profile’ i still get no power downs or
in the main menu (default at the bottom left) hunt until you find
Personal Settings or Configure Desktop (alternatively “kcontrol” in a
terminal) then to Appearance & Themes > Screen Saver, and set it off
YaST…hmmmm, i can’t remember where the third one is
hidden…sorry, maybe the forum’s advanced search
<http://forums.opensuse.org/search.php> might turn it up, but i can’t
offer a successful search string…[or maybe the two above will do you
sorry, you have hang in here and await a real guru to tell you
which/where all the potential low level config files are for TWM (but,
if it were me i’d do a “which kpowersave” and “which kconrol” just in
case, to see if the sneaky devs used bits of K even in TWM)
OK the xset looks like fixed the problems in the TWM and the KDE machines
Back in the SUSE6 days it would have been the first place one would look.
Thanks, not sure if I actualy posted on here before or not, but often searched for an answer here.
I think I had tried those KDE options, even later on to the extent of stoping the power devil service. The problem is possibly compounded by using multiple logins.
hca wrote:
> Back in the SUSE6 days it would have been the first place one would
> look.
just a thought: when you get though all your stacks of National Geo,
(or whatever)…and, are looking for something to do you might drop in
here from time to time and see if there something that can use your
level of experience…
we are getting more and more folks in that are entirely stuck if there
is not a gui tool to help’em along…and, as that continues there are
less and less folks around like deano who has the in depth experience…
if you wanna…but, it takes patience…like sometimes just
explaining what “open a terminal” means…