
Are you kidding, openSUSE people?
After upgrading to 15.4 I couldn´t trust my eyes.
I rarely saw any other login welcome stuff made that cheap.
Even Windows 95 had a more pleasant login experience 27 years ago.
The best is, it jumps into my eye every time I log into my X session, it even does not recognize it has already run once after the big upgrade…

Uncheck the box “Show on next startup” and it won’t show up again on login.

Thanks for that hint.
But, there is no such check box…

There is a screen shot I made:


There is a context menu, but no checkbox…


It looks as if it did not completely load, and that’s why there’s no checkbox.

What desktop environment are you using?

Try running it manually in a terminal to see output;


If you copy /etc/xdg/autostart/org.opensuse.opensuse_welcome.desktop to ~/.config/autostart/ directory, that’s what disables it…