Using openSUSE a base for an Internet cafe

Hi all,

Currently enjoying my vacation in Thailand. In one of the hotels I got into a coversation with the owner about his internet setup.

Currently he’s using 3 separate Windows XP/Vista PC’s to service customers. He is now thingking of expanding a bit as also needs to setup logging as this is required here by law now.

I mentioned Linux/openSUSE as alternative to some pricy software he wanted to buy & it did sound interesting to him (and his son)… now he asked me if he could set up openSUSE as server to:

  1. log internet activity by connection
  2. as proxy server (the term ‘high speed’ used here is not as speedy as you would expect :wink: )
  3. make some kind of ticket system giving access to internet on a timed base.
  4. any other usefull things you can think of in an internet cafe.

Connecting clients would be XP, Linux and also wireless devices (PDA’s, etc…)

Any of you that might have good ideas or want to share your experiances… Love to hear about it!!

Also, any good Thai forums or information sources you are aware of would be of great help to him (and later on others I hope!).

Thanks for your input! I will be emailing him as soon as I’ve found some good starting points he can dig into.


P.s. Sorry for any typo’s… no spell check on this system to save my a** :wink:

> Any of you that might have good ideas

sorry, i have no experience (other than as a user of :stuck_out_tongue: M$ cafes), but:
of those listed, i can neither recommend not pan…

and, :wink:
includes hits for a commercial offering from Omni which drives many
keyboard/monitors from a few machines [since it seems they have a LAW
to follow, it MAY be cheaper, easier, legally safer for them to use a
‘solution’ rather than full free and open…maybe…so:]

> Also, any good Thai forums or information sources you are aware of
> would be of great help to him (and later on others I hope!).

> Thanks for your input!

i love Thailand, did you try a Singha or Amarit Lager??
or a “massage”? :wink:


Enjoy your time in Thailand.

I’m planning to visit Thailand again from mid-June to early-July this year.

My wife is Thai and she is my information source. :slight_smile: … She is actually better educated than I (she has her MBA and a Master’s in Engineering) , but she is hampered by being an MS-Windows fan :rolleyes: … just kidding of course. In truth most my friends use MS-Windows, and they in the most part are quite happy with Windows. I do not try to convert them. But MS-Windows is not for me.

I’ve often wondered if it would be worthwhile for an Internet Cafe owner to base an internet cafe on Linux, but in the end I always concluded it best for an internet cafe to stay on MS-Windows. There are too many sites with proprietary audio/video streaming methods that are difficult to setup under Linux and MS-Windows will likely require less support for streaming compatibilty. Plus every now and then Microsoft throws a curve a Linux … for example, about a year ago, for many months, an update to Hot Mail software made it difficult to send email from Hot Mail using Linux based browsers (eventually work around/fixes were discovered). … I suspect an internet Cafe owner does not need that sort of aggravation.

I think that in many countries there are be people who set up this kind of infrastructure for franchisees. They provide the connectivity and the “hub”, you provide the workstations and they take a cut of the takings.

I think I have also seen web based ISP ticket software as open source. That part is quite amenable to running on Linux since you don’t have to deal with workstation software. And many customers have their own netbook or notebook computers these days. But he might need some local expertise to manage the hub. Again, there might be franchises for this sort of thing.

> I’ve often wondered if it would be worthwhile for an Internet Cafe
> owner to base an internet cafe on Linux, but in the end I always
> concluded it best for an internet cafe to stay on MS-Windows. There are
> too many sites with proprietary audio/video streaming methods that are
> difficult to setup under Linux and MS-Windows will likely require less
> support for streaming compatibilty.

that is a great point…so, maybe a back room Linux server to meter
users time, do the law required recording, manage wireless log-ons,
provide a firewall and virus fence for the Redmond clients…etc…

hmmmmmm…how about each client runs a thin Linux hosting a legal XP
in a VM that (even if corrupted by a user or a site the user goes to)
is booted fresh for each user…

hmmmm…just thinking out loud…


Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the quick replys! Also good valid insights.

MultiplePersonality, thanks for the links… will be checking them.

Oldcpu & MultiplePersonality , I do agree that it will be easier for the shops to keep XP/Vista on the client side. Maybe a mix of clients is possible to see how a Linux client goes -but indeed, there are still too many hurdles to take as many sites/media is solely still focused on Microsoft formats.

The thing I’m thinking of is a central server, this would be the Linux/SUSE side of things. Somewhat in the manner Ken mentioned with that difference that the shops have it in their own…erm… shop.

I recon there should be a good combination that can be made with existing opensource products to make a fitting server providing the 4 points (and possibly more) I mentioned in the OP.
This would be one more good starting point for people to get to see more opensource here and make them dive in more.

Having the option of combining as one suits (MS/Linux/…), only brings the people more power to do what they want and need.

On a personal note:
Thailand is amazing! Beautiful country with lots to see (culture & nature) and very helpful and friendly people. My wife and I are loving it every day! :slight_smile:

Singa is great!! …and as for the Thai massage… It’s this mixture of relaxing and streaking pain when some of the time you are not sure to scream/cry or just laugh… makes one wonder what it is you are exactly paying for… torture or pleasure :wink: Sure does loosen up those neck mussels once the hurting has stopped… lol

Thanks again for your insights & cheers!


Thai people have lovely smiles, and they smile even more broadly if you do a wai.

But don’t say anything disparaging about their king, as an Australian writer discovered to his cost recently. They have very draconian lèse-majesté laws.