using Ark - how to create an archive of a folder under openSUSE 12.3 ?

I’m running 12.3 which was updated only yesterday. If I try to add a folder to a .zip archive using Ark (there very well is a menu entry ‘add folder’ in Ark, isn’t it ?), Ark just tells me ‘this is a folder’ (hey hooohh !), which is probably meant as an error message, but which in my view doesn’t make any sense. And nothing happens. Nothing is added. No archive is created. Ark, isn’t it really able to create archives of a folder ?? I’m stunned. Apps like Ark are standard apps for Linux, and if they fail in this way, this is just … Is there a place to file a bug report for this? Besides, I currently don’t see the ‘Go advanced’ button on the web frontend of this forum, in order to easily be able to change text styles (to e.g. italic or bold or code)? Has this been removed deliberately, or is it another bug ? AND WHY CAN’T I CURRENTLY ENTER HARD LINE BREAKS IN THIS FORUM CURRENTLY ??? — I USED TO LIKE openSUSE.

I just tried Ark after reading your post and it is working.

Thanks. But what exactly did you try?

Sorry, I mean, my issue was that I couldn’t add a folder (instead of a single file). Did you try to add a folder to an archive ?

I checked it again:

Under openSUSE 12.1, adding a folder to a zip archive using Ark works fine.

Under openSUSE 12.3 Ark just complains ‘XYZ is a folder’ and refuses to do its work.

Yes, I did add a folder and it worked.

I can confirm that this works, both in KDE 4.10.5 as well as in 4.10.3 as included in openSUSE 12.3.
But: Ark in 4.10.3 has a bug that makes drag’n’drop not work (it determines the mimetype incorrectly in that case), this got fixed in 4.10.4.
So you HAVE to use the “Add Folder” menu entry to add a folder to the archive.
Or right-click on the folder in dolphin or the folderview applet and select Compress->“As ZIP Archive” from the context menu…

PS: KDE 4.10.5 will be released as online update for openSUSE 12.3 in a week or two.

Yes, this works.

Thank you!
