User profile/s not displayed on login

Hi there - I am giving OpenSuse another go (with SlowRoll- which sounds an interesting project), when I say another go - I mean I have never been a great fan of YAST, but anyway I digress - I have installed SlowRoll over the weekend, I installed it with myself (as administrator) as one profile & a second one for another person in the household, but I am noting that from the login page the ‘2nd’ profile is not showing up as the computer logs in- it just boots straight in under my profile.
There must be a reason & hopefully a solution…?
Many thanks,

You have auto login enabled. Disable it via YaST-> Users and Groups-> dropdown in the lower right corner → settings for login

OK Hui, I will try that - many thanks.

I am also really struggling to install Spotify app, I will post it’s own topic later too if I fail on that tonight when I try again.

Thanks again for the login info.

So I have now got the ‘2nd’ on the PC an active username login, BUT she can’t get into the folders on her login - 'the file or folder /home/Rachael does not exist - it is the same for all the folders.
I then tried deleting that profile & starting again, still no change - it’s like it picks up the original folder setup & knows it’s hidden…

If you create user through Yast all needed things are created. If on command line you need to add the home directory and any other files.

useradd -m

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