User list in KDM login screen

On my home computer my family had gotten used to the list of users that was visible when logging in the 11.4 (and earlier) KDM login screens. However, in 12.1, this has disappeared…

Is there a way to get that list back in 12.1? Is there a specific “theme” for this?

Your wish has been granted. See my new blog on the subject here:

openSUSE 12.1 SUSE KDM Login Screen User Listing - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,

@James: Thank you!


From Bugzilla

“Neither Upstream, nor most of the other distros (Fedora, Kubuntu) have userlist capable KDM themes per default (as mentioned before)”

So… using that logic, we should remove ALL features and benefits of openSUSE that are not present in Fedora in the upcoming 12.2 release. How about, say, YAST? That’s not in Fedora. GONE! What a defeatist attitude.


So, somethings are not as easy as it might seem, when one gets into the details of the situation. What makes sense for users, for whom you would think would be driving the feature list, does not make sense to the developers for all sorts of reasons. In particular, when a team, who is feeding you the system programming, has removed a feature before it gets to you. Now, what do you do? Swim upstream and keep adding it back in or perhaps go to the source and complain? You know how well that works most of the time. As luck would have it, we did have one individual on our side and I was able to make the best of it. I do suggest to you about looking for an openFATE entry on this issue, add it in if it does not exist or vote it up if it does. AND post a request here for others to also vote it up.

Thank You,

From my point of view, they added a feature. That feature is that I no longer have to disable the login user list.

My point: what one user considers a feature, another user might consider a defect.

Fair enough, but now we’re re-writing history: there was never a bug or feature request to have the list removed.

Doesn’t matter - there’s not enough here to pick a fight over. @James’s fix will do. At the end of the day, I couldn’t care less about the user list myself, it’s mostly for my wife and kids who got used to it over the years.