USB Wifi (with AP mode) working without problems under clean Leap15.4 ? advise please.

USB Wifi (with AP mode) working without problems under clean Leap15.4 ?
Advise please.


If it’s working as expected, what’s the problem?? :\

  • Or, do we have a translation issue here?
    And, by “Access Point” (AP) mode, do you mean that –
    *=2]You’re attempting to setup the Leap 15.4 system as a WLAN/WiFi Access Point (AP)?
    *=2]Or, you’re attempting to access a WLAN Repeater (Access Point), which doesn’t function as expected but, access to the primary WLAN/WiFi Router (also an Access Point) functions as expected?

What kind of wifi usb device does anyone use for this in leap15.4?

If you’re using Network Manager then, you can simply setup a WLAN/WiFi Access Point – <Using NetworkManager | Reference | openSUSE Leap 15.5.

  • Alternatively, you can setup by means of the Command Line –
 $ nmcli device wifi hotspot ifname <*wifi_interface*> con-name <hotspot connection profile> band <*“a” or “bg”*> channel <*channel number*> ssid <*ssid*> password <*password*>

Thanks. I can set up hotspot in leap.
I ask - which usb wifi models really use.:slight_smile:


No idea.

  • Here in Germany –

But, that’s only what one of the (local – not international) suppliers is offering here – where you are it may well be different …

  • You may well have to “buy and try