First question:
I still have my bios problem that about very 3 boot I have to re-flush the Bios (have dual bios). Whilst this is a workaround …it is @#$%.
The question is: Does the OS write any thing into the bios? And does the bios interrogates the running system and makes assumptions for the next reboot.?
Second question:
Some files on the USB stick can’t be deleted. Even with root permission.
I am a bit puzzled with this one. I reformatted the usb stick…same problem
Question 1 : NO, the OS does not write to the BIOS
Question 2 : The only thing your BIOS would assume is were to boot from, for example, if you had it boot from a hard drive or CD-Rom, but your the one who sets the default
Question 3 : USB Stick – to me this sounds weird, but what do I know. I would try formatting it to a different file system ( rather, go from NTFS, to FAT32, or vice versa), than see what you have on there, are those files still there?