USB Modem not recognized

dear all,

I am new to linux. I am using 11.4 gnome desktop on hp elitebook 8440w. I have a reliance netconnect plus usb modem. (ZTE AC 2726).

Initially it was recognized but didn’t work. But now system is not recognizing it. What should i do. Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.

Please the output of


to see what the system sees.

Pls find the output.

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 03f0:231d Hewlett-Packard
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 138a:0007 Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS451 Fingeprint Reader
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 04f2:b15e Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 19d2:fff1 ONDA Communication S.p.A.

Thanks. Pleese next time you post computer output here put it between CODE tags Posting in Code Tags - A Guide . This will preserve white space layout, in the same time clearly diffentiating bewteen what you say and what the system says.

In the list you post and which will have all attached USB devices, I can not see one line that coincides which what you call “reliance netconnect plus usb modem. (ZTE AC 2726)”. If you can’t either (please try to identify the other devices which what you know is connected), then the device is realy not detected on a very low level by the system. IMHO that would point to a hardware problem (loose connector or worse).

Can you try on another port (and check every time you remove/attache with lsusb what is changing there). This might reveal more information.

Hi Rajesh i think it will be quite easy.simply click on Gnome network applet(an icon with two computers)you will see an option like new mobile broadband India then reliance netconnect and okay.if it is not present(new mobile broadband connection) right click that Gnome applet and edit connections select mobile broadband then worked for me.i am using Tata photon plus.
happy to see an Indian in this forum:-))

@Henk you are correct in his output there was no entry like Huwai ec 1260(it is my usb modem)

@Rajesh try to plug that in a different port following link will help you.first make it detected.

How to configure Tata Indicom Photon + and Reliance Netconnect + in Ubuntu
above will work for Opensuse also.

Dear vike4

Thanks it worked with network applet.

I figured it out “ONDA Communication S.p.A.” is my USB modem.

Thanks a lot to u all

@Reddy Happy to hear your problem is solved.

Same from me.

@vike4, very good, you are starting to pay back :wink:

Thank you:)