When I copy a file to USB flash media, it immediately reports 100% progress, and then appears to hang at 100% until the file is actually copied. It also causes quite high processor load.
The stick I’m testing with now is FAT32 but I have noticed the same behaviour with exFAT and NTFS.
This has been the same for several openSUSE releases (at least since 13.1 - currently 42.2). Does anyone know what could be causing these two issues?
Get used to that. It is how file systems work in unix.
When a program writes to a file, the operating system actually writes the data to a memory buffer. And that is almost immediate. Any other program reading that file will see the updated copy.
If the program then asks that this be synchronized to disk while closing, then you will see a delay while the operating system transfers the data to disk.
I don’t see that with LEAP 42.2 / KDE Plasma. With a 3.8 GiB mp4, It shows over 40 Mib/s transfer rate for a while, then the progress bar pauses for a long time, as the displayed bit rate keeps decreasing for a while. Eventually it resumes, at about 4.4 MiB/s rate. But yeah, it does take a long time. Time to make some coffee! lol!
However, I can play the video from the USB FLASH drive with no problem. I was surprised at that. It’s a HD 720P video I made, couldn’t play it from a “data” DVD, the DVD drives are too slow.