Hello again people. It looks like I’m not done yet with making everything work smooth for me on OpenSuse 11.1 + Xfce.
I’ve got a(nother) fresh out-of-the-box install of the system, but I already had the problem on my previous installations. When I plug a USB drive, two identical error windows pop up saying :
org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy: org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable no <–(action,result)
and my drive wouldnt get mounted but an icon with its name on it would appear on the desktop.
I was annoyed by this message so I googled it and I found a fix here : PolicyKit - CBLFS
I dont get this annoying message anymore. Now when I plug my drive in, two file browser windows open, both displaying the content of my drive that was mounted in /media/my_drive_s_name
The icon that appears on the desktop now works. It opens the file browser in the place I just mentioned. However, if I right-click it and select “eject”, an error popup appears with no message in it (I can tell it’s an error because of the red icon) and the icon stays on the desktop.
If I try to use the eject button another time, the error popup does have a message. It says :
Unable to eject my_drive : device to unmount is not in /hal/hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL.
Could someone please help me getting rid of the duplicate syndrom and fixing the eject feature ?
Thanks in advance.