Upgrading AbiWord

(Using openSUSE 11.1, 64-bit, with AbiWord v2.6.4)

Is there an AbiWord v2.6.6 package compatible with OSS 11.1 on this
‘site’ (http://www.abisource.com/download/) or can it be found on
another web page?


sfzab’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=16944
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=407687

If you search here:

Software.openSUSE.org’ (http://software.opensuse.org/)

It looks like there is at least one repository that has a packaged
version available. I don’t know much about openSUSE GNOME repositories,
but I would avoid using the Factory one so as not to introduce


einheit47’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=864
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=407687