upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit openSUSE 11.4--missing KDE desktop

I upgraded from the 32-bit to the 64-bit openSUSE 11.4. My KDE desktop is gone from my log in options. How do I get it back?

You don’t say exactly what you mean by Upgraded
FYI: It would require a complete new installation

I burned and ISO image of the 64-bit version, booted from DVD and installed it on the partition where I previously had the 32-bit version. Everything else works and was the same except KDE is broken. For instance, Evolution was there and I did not have to set up my email addresses again. My printer drivers were there.

The only thing that does not work is the KDE desktop.

FYI: I also am running Windows 7 and Linux Mint 11 (both 64-bit versions).

Is there no kde plasma workspace option for login?

No. I have the other 3, but not KDE. I am currently using the Gnome desktop.

If you view Software Management > View Patterns
Right click on the kde-base and kde-desktop patterns and select ‘Install’
Then apply
Does it install anything?

Where is “View Patterns”? I do not see it when I open YaST software management.

In gnome gtk mode

or if you use qt/kde mode

Thanks. I found it and am installing KDE now.

Now the KDE option is available at log in, but it does not work. I click on my user name, enter my password, but nothing happens.

Be sure to choose kde-plasma workspace as the login option

or did you?

I did. It just went back to asking for my password. I was able to log in using Gnome, but not KDE.

Try creating a new user as a test login (you will have to do this in gnome) then try logging in to kde with the new user. Tell me what happens

The KDE desktop works for a new user, just not for me. My log in password is the same as the su password, since I am the only person who uses this computer.

Go back to your normal user, gnome
Open the file manager and view hidden files (Ctrl+H) and find .kde4 and rename it to .kde4-bak
Logout and try kde for your normal user

If it works: (Old kde settings will be in the .kde4-bak) You can import some things back, but I would limit it to important stuff.

It did not work.

Then it really can be tricky to get round
Go back to the hidden folders and try renaming .local and .skel
rename as you will -bak will be fine if you like

If this doesn’t work. I have a solution if you want to keep the username you are using, but it’s kind of tedious.

It doesn’t work.

So here is what I suggest.
Make a backup of everything you need from the login name you are having trouble with. Perhaps do it this way:
Boot Mint and it will let you access the partition and login of openSUSE. Make a copy of everything you need to a backup folder in Mint.

Go back to openSUSE and login with the Test account you setup and delete the problem login including the /home folder.
Now create a new login with the same username (the one you just deleted, the one you want)
Logout, and test it.
If it works, go back to Mint and copy all the files back over.

Thank you so much. That worked.