Hi folks, Previously I had installed the KDE 4.7 packages through repository listed below, The first thing is windows sometimes refused to minimized when I click on window name on task manager and second thing is when update kernel to via kernel repository it completely fail to boot and logout automatically while now I upgrade kernel to 3 without any problem on KDE 4.6. Because of many improvment in KDE 4.7 especially in multi media that let me run the XBMC (It crash with my current KDE 4.6) I’ve to upgrade to 4.7. Any advice?
Index of /repositories/KDE:/Release:/47/openSUSE_11.4
I have another question, Is this way correct to installing ATI proprietary driver?
sh ./ati-driver-installer-11-4-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg SuSE/SUSE-autodetection
Install the generated package
zypper in fglrx*
aticonfig --initial
Reboot your computer
shutdown -r now