upgrade from "old" linux suse 10.1


I want to upgrade an ‘very’ old linux from SUSE 10.1 32bits to a recent version (opensuse 11.x)

cat /etc/SuSE-release
SUSE LINUX 10.1 (i586)
VERSION = 10.1

there aren’t any updates in yast -> online update
(repository seems to be down )

Do you know how to upgrade ? is there any new repo ?

10.1 to 11.x
or 10.1 => 10.3 => 11.x ?

do I try to do a │System Update ( iso ?)

thanks for your help
best regards

On 08/09/2011 02:06 PM, samidee wrote:

> I want to upgrade an ‘very’ old linux from SUSE 10.1 32bits to a recent
> version (opensuse 11.x)
> (repository seems to be down )

there is no supported upgrade path from 10.1 directly to openSUSE 11.3
or 11.4 (the only currently supported versions) cites:


  1. there might be an easy path to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop
    (SLES/D) 10 or 11 (check at www.suse.com), of course the Enterprise
    version has a cost, but low… (don’t know if it is easy or not…i’ve
    never run SLE)

  2. 10.1 > 10.2 > 10.3 etc etc > 11.4 would work, but the repos up to
    11.3 will have to come from found remains as the community has taken
    them all down…let me know if you want an address to known, OLD repos…

if you want to use the community version (do you understand the
difference–LOTS has changed since 10.1) you will need to save off your
data, do a full fresh install and then reintroduce data…

DD Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

I used suse 10.1 for some time. I probably still have the disks.

The way to “upgrade” is:

Do a fresh install of the newer version (I suggest 11.4, which is the current release).

If your “/home” is a separate partition, then keep that as is - do not reformat. That will retain all personal files.

If your “/home” is not a separate partition, then back it up to an external drive, and later restore what you want after the new install.

However, you may have other problems. Both KDE and Gnome have changed a lot since the 10.1 days. So your personal settings might not be any good either.

What I would do, after the install:

1: Use CTRL-ALT-F1 to get a virtual terminal. Check that the UIDs for users are the same as in “/home”. If not, you can either change “/etc/passwd” or use “chown” on home directories to fix that.

2: CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to the GUI.

3: Login and see what happens.

4: If it is a mess, then logout, use CTRL-ALT-F1 for a virtual terminal, and login as yourself. Then

mkdir OLD
mv .??* OLD

That should move all of your old personal settings out of the way, so that you can see what the defaults are for the new system.

After seeing how it was with the old settings, then seeing how it is with the new default settings, you can think about what you want to rescue from that OLD directory to recover old settings.

That’s about how I would do it, and about how I have done things when making a big change. It’s up to you to decide how you want to handle it.

thanks for your reply

i’d like to upgrade to opensuse but it does not seems to be so easy so maybe a fresh install …

Backup what you need and do a fresh install and format the lot. That way you can use ext4 too.